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Wednesday, 1/27, at 5:00PM PST (Pacific Standard Time), we will hold Red Avalokiteshvara, Khorwa Dongtruk, “shaker of samsara from its depths” supplication prayers on Facebook Live.
This is a terma (hidden spiritual treasure) revealed by the great Dharma king Chogyur Dechen Lingpa. This deity is the supreme embodiment of love and compassion and is very powerful. This was practiced by Patrul Rinpoche and is also my daily practice; we will pray for those who have died, especially those who have passed away from coronavirus.
If anyone would like to join please sit and recite the mantra “OM MANI PADME HUM”. The text is The Essential Sadhana from the Guru’s Heart Practice, Shaker of Samsara from its Depths. The prayers will be recited in Tibetan, but please participate. You can see me and recite the mantra at the same time so we can practice together for those who have recently died. Additionally, you can read this English version of the text for the meaning:
Thank you and Tashi Delek
Via Facebook Live:  Manjushri Dharma Center Facebook

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