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The feminine embodiment of enlightened activity, Green Tara is the swift liberator, a compassionate and loving protector in times of distress and great danger. Through meditating on the form and mantra Arya Tara, and chanting the Praises to her 21 different manifestations, we receive the blessings to become inseparable from Tara herself, actualizing the potential to liberate all sentient beings from the suffering ocean of samsara.  She is known as the Mother of all Buddhas, born from Chenrezig’s tear of compassion (in one of many origin stories). She will swiftly come to comfort and protect those who supplicate her, she gives protection from emotional and physical sufferings. In her hands she holds utpala flowers which symbolize power and pure compassionate intention.

“This is also my daily practice,” writes Rinpoche.  “We will pray for overcoming fear and clearing of obstacles. We will recite the mantra “OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA “.  You can see me and recite the mantra at the same time so we can practice together for those who have recently died. Thank you and Tashi Delek.”

Prayers will be recited in both Tibetan and English.


Description of the Tara practice above was written by Khenpo Karten Rinpoche.  Image courtesy of Miles McBreen.

Monday night prayers are held both in-person at the Dharma Center and virtually on Zoom.

Please do join us for this profound practice. Tashi Delek!

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Passcode: 4723131265
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