You Make This Possible!
To have such an accomplished and sincere Buddhist teacher as Khenpo Karten Rinpoche choose to make his home in the tiny town of Pacific Grove, California, U.S.A. is remarkable. To have accomplished translators and dedicated teachers of English help Rinpoche bring his precious teachings to a western audience and global sangha is remarkable. To have easy access to Buddhist texts and practices following in a 2600 year oral tradition is remarkable. To have a community of dedicated practitioners supporting each other toward greater compassion, love, and peace is remarkable. YOU are remarkable and YOU make this possible!
Please consider making a regular, monthly donation.
All donations of any size are most appreciated! We thank you for your generosity!
You may put a note in the payment to specify that the donation is for Dana (a donation that goes directly to Rinpoche) or any specific fund or purpose. We will make sure to honor your intentions.

Please make checks payable to “Manjushri Dharma Center”
and mail to:
Manjushri Dharma Center
724 Forest Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Thank you!
What Is A Sangha Member?
“You are grateful to me for Dharma kindness, I am grateful to you for kind material support. Helping one another in this way, is sacred Dharma work. That is my heart advice.”
— Ven. Khenpo Karten Rinpoche Heart Advice of Dharma Nectar
Dharma teachings are always open to all and freely given. If you find that you are drawn on a regular basis to the practices and teachings, please consider becoming a “sustaining sangha member” of the Manjushri Dharma Center. Sangha members make a commitment to the study and practice of Dharma by participating regularly in the teachings and activities at Manjushri Dharma Center. Sangha members support the spiritual community and the activities of Venerable Khenpo Karten Rinpoche on a regular basis with volunteer service and/or monthly or annual donations to help support the Center. A “sustaining sangha member” is someone who wishes to help ensure the survival and flourishing of this Center and of Rinpoche’s precious teachings by offering regular support, even from afar.
Please consider a monthly or annual donation of any amount. It is so helpful to the MDC Board, who are elected each year to help Khenpo Karten Rinpoche achieve his goals, and who steward, safeguard and maintain the Manjushri Dharma Center as the home and personal residence of this precious jewel of a teacher. The Manjushri Dharma Center is not just a refuge and home for Khenpo La, it is also a place of spiritual refuge for the community and home for Buddha Dharma. A sustaining sangha member may vote in the annual Members’ Meeting, where the MDC Board leadership is elected.
We offer you deep bows of gratitude for your ongoing support of Rinpoche’s teachings and your Dharma practice.
Backyard Update
Ever since MDC moved into the 724 Forest Avenue location in 2015, it has been Rinpoche’s goal to use the large backyard for meetings, pujas and meditation. The space inside the house is small, and can only comfortably accommodate 20 people. With some improvements, we can comfortably host 50+ in the backyard. With your help the Board of Directors is moving on a series of goals:
- Build a fence and gate around the back yard to provide privacy along with public access (Done in 2023!)
- Level the area inside the fence and acquire a tent to provide a meditation area with surrounding landscaping: (we have a yurt in 2024!) READ MORE
- Add a bulletin board and a sign on the front of the building facing Forest Avenue (in progress 2024–to allow more people walking by to see our many activities)
Thank you! Tugchi Che! Tashi Delek!