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Note:  On Thursday, January 25th, a small group gathered to hear about the year past, nominate and elect the new MDC Board, and dream about the year to come. Click here for the Agenda for that evening.  Thank you to all who were present! Welcome new Board Members! We will arrange a first meeting of the new board, then seek to share more information with the community.

Background info:  Every year in January, the spiritual community of the Manjushri Dharma Center comes together to reflect on the year past, envision the year ahead, and elect new Board Members.   Board Members are volunteers who serve for one or two years, attending to the day-to-day activities at the center.  Join us for popcorn and snacks as we hear from current Board Members with a brief overview of the current state of center and goals for the new year.   We will then move to officially elect the new Board.  Nominees for the 2018 volunteer Board include:

  • Deirdre Means Acting President (Jan-Mar) and Permanent President:  We will nominate an acting President when the first meeting of the new board convenes.   We hope to nominate a permanent president after Rinpoche’s return.
  • Diana Slattery:  Facilities Director/Co-Secretary (writer for web and newsletter):  she will continue her amazing efforts with MDC facilities, and she will add the responsibility of writing the content and selecting images for the weekly newsletter and website.
  • Ashley Gamble:  Website and Newsletter Facilitator:  She will take the content that Diana gives her, and post to website, send out newsletter, and maintain the newsletter list.   She will not be an official board member, but a regular volunteer.
  • Foster Smith:  Secretary: will take board meeting minutes, keep all minutes and important documents for MDC, check phone and support email once per week, and promote events to public outlets as needed.
  • Cindy Lathrop: No official title-she will attend monthly Board meetings, and help out as she can.
  • Pam Krone:  Acting Treasurer (Jan-Mar)–paying bills, depositing donations, attending board meetings to give general financial picture.
  • Shayna Morse:  Treasurer (April onwards): will take over Pam’s duties in April once she and her spouse are resettled in the area.
  • Rachel Christopherson:  Acting Co-Secretary (Jan-Mar):  she’ll continue with website/newsletter duties through March as Diana is on retreat, and generally help with the transition to the new board.
  • Cate Anderson:  Event/Volunteer Coordinator (temporary): point person for events, making sure volunteers are lined up as needed.

Not sure if you are a Manjushri Dharma Center member?  Members are people who regularly attend or regularly contribute to Manjushri Dharma Center.  Contact Rachel Christopherson (rachelmdc2016@gmail.com) to make sure you are on the official member list!  Members receive special messages from Rinpoche with prayer requests or general info, and members vote each year for the new Board.


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