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Please join us on Monday at 6:30PM PST on Zoom for the extraordinary practice of Chöd.
Chöd, which means “to cut,” is a profound path of severing dualistic fixation and ego-clinging. For the chod practitioner, the body is regarded as the primary object of clinging. Through visualizing one’s consciousness as the female Buddha T’hroma Nagmo (The “Wrathful Black Mother”) the yogi or yogini offers the ordinary body to the assembled guests: enlightened beings, gods and demons (personifications of the five poisons), and those owed karmic debts, purifying negative karma and accumulating merit on a vast scale. Combining the view of the Prajnaparamita Sutra with the highest view of Dzogchen, Chöd is known for its haunting melodies and ritual instrumentation. When performed for others, it is a powerful healing ritual.

Monday night prayers are held both in-person at the Dharma Center and virtually on Zoom.

Please do join us for this profound practice. Tashi Delek!
Header photo of Rinpoche practicing Chöd with Lama Wangdu in 2016 (? we think). 

Zoom Link to Join:


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Meeting ID: 862 7430 6749
Passcode: 4723131265
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