New Year’s Eve Vajrasattva Purification Practice
December 31, 2024 @ 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Start the New Year of 2025 with a clean slate by purifying negative karma of body, speech and mind accumulated over the past year and in past lives through the powerful practice of Vajrasattva (Dorje Sempa).
This special event will consist of teachings by Khenpo Karten Rinpoche on the Vajrasattva practice, an explanation of the meaning of the mantra and on the four opponent powers (tob shi) that we perform to purify our negative actions. After a short break, we will then accumulate recitations of the Vajrasattva Mantra. After the Puja, MDC will celebrate the coming New Year with tea and treats. Please wear white clothing or adornments if you can (no worries if not), and feel free to bring some food or refreshments to welcome in the new year (again no pressure, just come! We will have plenty).
Link to texts: The Sadhana of Glorious Vajrasattva, a Terma Revelation of H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche, and additional readings written by Khenpo Karten Rinpoche, The Four Powers of Purification , A Brief Confession, Heartfelt Advice of Dharma Nectar ; What Makes a Meaningful New Year?
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Meeting ID: 862 7430 6749
Passcode: Love=Peace
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