Thursday Evening Thargyen Book Club
January 4, 2018 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
The Jewel Ornament of Liberation, originally composed by Ven. Gampopa (1079-1153), presents in one text all of Buddha’s 84,000 teachings. It is a kind step-by-step outline of the path to enlightenment, and a primary text in the Kagyu tradition. The 2018 book club translation is a teaching by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, given over four months specifically for a western audience. The language is simple and the concepts are clearly presented, though not as detailed as our initial study of the book. Using this simpler translation and discussing how to put the teachings into practice in daily life, we will be well-prepared to continue our study once Khenpo Karten Rinpoche returns to teach his beautiful 80-verse summary of this seminal work. Details on the book club text and an outline of topics is below. Even if you cannot read the chapters ahead, the discussion of each topic will help us to better understand the path of Dharma. Join us on Thursday evenings, January 4th to March 22, 2018 as we discuss the Jewel Ornament of Liberation.
Book Club Book Details:
Jewel Ornament of Liberation, commentary by: Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, ISBN: 1-877294-27-6
Originally published in 2003, updated 2014, Namo Buddha Publications and Zhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal Trust Publications.
Available on Amazon (2014 update, white cover) for roughly 30.00:
Available from Namse Bangdzo Bookstore (2003 version, gold cover) for roughly 40.00
Discussion Topics:
Thursday, January 4th: 6:30-8:00pm, Manjushri Dharma Center
- Chapter 1: Buddha Nature
- Chapter 2: Precious Human Life
Thursday, January 11th: 6:30-8:00pm, Manjushri Dharma Center
- Chapter 3: The Spiritual Friend
- Chapter 4: Instructions on Impermanence
Thursday, January 18: No book club due to All-Sangha Meeting
Thursday, January 25th: 6:30-8:00pm, Manjushri Dharma Center
- Chapter 5: The Suffering of Samsara
- Chapter 6: Karma and Its Results
Thursday, February 1st: 6:30-8:00pm, Manjushri Dharma Center
- Chapter 7: Loving-kindness & Compassion
- Chapter 8: Refuge & Precepts
Thursday, February 8th: 6:30-8:00pm, Manjushri Dharma Center
- Chapter 9: Cultivation of Bodhichitta
- Chapter 10: Training in Aspiring Bodhichitta
Thursday, February 15th: 6:30-8:00pm, Manjushri Dharma Center
- Chapter 11: Training in Action Bodhichitta
- Chapter 12: The Perfection of Generosity
Thursday, February 22nd: 6:30-8:00pm, Manjushri Dharma Center
- Chapter 13: The Perfection of Moral Ethics
- Chapter 14: The Perfection of Patience
Thursday, March 1st: 6:30-8:00pm, Manjushri Dharma Center
- Chapter 15: The Perfection of Diligence
- Chapter 16: The Perfection of Meditative Concentration
Thursday, March 8th: 6:30-8:00pm, Manjushri Dharma Center
- Chapter 17: The Perfection of Wisdom-Awareness
Thursday, March 15th: 6:30-8:00pm, Manjushri Dharma Center
- Chapter 18: The Aspects of the Five Paths
- Chapter 19: The Levels of the Path
Thursday, March 22nd: 6:30-8:00pm, Manjushri Dharma Center
- Chapter 20: Perfect Buddhahood
- Chapter 21: Activities of the Buddha
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