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The 14th Annual Amitabha Dechen Shingdrup will be held on Friday, October 15th and Saturday October 16th, from 6:30-8:30pm Pacific Time on both evenings.   The annual event is hosted by the Northwest Tibetan Cultural Association in Portland, Oregon.   The event is held in Tibetan, but all are welcome to join and enjoy the special energy of the practice of Amitabha, the Buddha of Infinite Light.   Flyers in Tibetan and English are below.

Via Zoom:   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86208736682?pwd=MFM4U0dFbkExSjF4Ykw4d2FsUSswZz09

Meeting ID: ID- 862 0873 6682

Password- Worldpeace
For questions, contact:  Tsering Dolma (she is in the US, Pacific Time):  360-852-6005 or Pema Tsomo (she is in India)  807-349-3445 or [email protected]

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