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Join us on Friday, March 10th, 2023 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm PST in-person at Windows on the Bay, the corner of Del Monte and El Estero (703 Del Monte Ave, Monterey, CA 93940) as we join a day of international protests known as Tibetan Uprising Day. The event is being organized by Rinpoche’s niece Dechen and her partner Tenzin; if you’d like to register, please check out their Facebook event page. Even in Rinpoche’s physical absence while he is on his Asia Tour 2023, the annual event will continue! The annual protest on Tibetan Uprising Day is very special to Rinpoche, an event that he has organized with the MDC annually for many years, and he will be with us in spirit!

Since the Chinese occupation in 1959, more than one million Tibetans have been killed. To fly a Tibetan flag, even mention His Holiness the Dalai Lama, send an email abroad, or say the phrase “human rights,” is cause for imprisonment and torture. 99% of all Tibetan monasteries have been closed. These horrors and atrocities continue today throughout Tibet, such as those recently in Drakgo, Yarchen Gar, Khamar Gonpa, and many others. The situation is desperate and worsening; the Tibetan people and their culture are being systematically attacked. Yet, they continue to stand up against this repression and violence in a non-violent way, as they have each year for over 60 years. We cannot let the world forget. Please lend your voice to peace, justice, and freedom:  Support Tibet!

Please note: Protesters cannot step into the street or hand out leaflets to cars, as per a city safety mandate. Signs will be provided, or you may bring your own. We will be there rain or shine.

Want to learn more about what is happening in Tibet?   Cannot join the protest in person, but want to help take action?  Learn the latest and how you can help at the UK-based Free-Tibet website or the US-based Students For A Free Tibet. 

May all cultures and peoples live together in harmony and peace.

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