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Prayer to Ārya Avalokiteśvara
During Monday night chanted prayers on 2/17/25, Rinpoche shared this text with the sangha: See original text on the Lotsawa House website, translations in English and Tibetan. ༄༅། །འཕགས་པའི་གསོལ་འདེབས་ཞལ་མཐོང་མ་བཞུགས། ། The Vision A Prayer to Ārya Avalokiteśvara
Meditate like a Mountain, like the Ocean, like the Sky
Regarding being able to separate pure awareness from afflicted awareness, one of Milarepa's disciples asked him: "How do I meditate?" Milarepa told the disciple: "Go meditate like a mountain. " The student went and meditated
Contentment and Satisfaction
If you have money, your hopes for happiness will lead you to suffering. Real
Regarding the benefits and fruits of generosity, and the ideal time for giving generously
The temporal benefits of generosity are that in doing so, even if one does not desire it, wealth and possessions arise and one is reborn wealthy in subsequent lives. Ultimately, having perfected the great accumulation
The Essence of Mind
When we look at the essence of our mind we are talking about not following after any thoughts of the past, nor looking forward to any occurrences in the future, but focusing on the very