Monday Night Chanted Prayers – Medicine Buddha
February 24 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Medicine Buddha is the Buddha of Infinite Healing, creating the causes for a world that is healed from illness and disease, both of the body and of the mind.
You can find a link to the prayer text here: MedicineBuddhaPuja_༄༅།-།སྨན་བླའི་སྒྲུབས་ཐབས་བཞུགས་སོ།-།.pdf
Rinpoche wrote a very short but beautiful teaching on the practice of Medicine Buddha, which includes the visualization: Medicine Buddha Practice for Corona Virus from Khenpo Karten Rinpoche.
Additionally we typically recite a short Buddha Amitabha (the Buddha of Infinite Light) mantra: Om Ami Dewa Hri. Here is the text for Buddha Amitabha: The Recitation for Accomplishment of Sukhavati from the Sky Dharma Mind Terma.
Please join us as we wish for all beings to have health and peace of mind.