New Year Retreat 2025 – Phowa Teaching, Transmission, & Green Tara Empowerment
January 10 @ 9:00 am - January 12 @ 5:00 pm
New Year Retreat 2025: Phowa Teaching, Transmission, & Green Tara Empowerment
with Venerable Khenpo Karten Rinpoche
Friday through Sunday, January 10-12, 2025
Wave Street Studios
9:00am to 5:00pm Friday/Saturday, 9:00am to 3:30pm Sunday
In-Person Only (no Zoom option, will not be recorded)
Open to all who have taken refuge or who have the basic foundations of Buddhist teachings
Registration required, donations requested, but no one turned away for lack of funds
Suggested donation: 180.00 for all three days
Register Here
Can’t register online? No problem! Contact Rachel at [email protected] or call 831-277-0529. We will get you signed up to attend!
About Phowa
The subject of the retreat is the profound and esoteric practice of Phowa, often translated as ‘transference of consciousness’. In Phowa practice, the consciousness of a person is transferred to enlightenment or a higher state of being, and is based on the Buddhist beliefs of righteous Buddha worlds where spiritual enlightenment is easy and fast and on the Tantric Buddhist concept of the psycho-physical human anatomy made up of energy channels, vital energies and flexible nature of consciousness. Phowa is often practiced or applied by spiritual people at the time of death. Please click this link for a brief explanation of the practice. Rinpoche received the Phowa lineage from Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche, who was well known for it’s practice. The text for this practice has been prepared by Rinpoche from the Karma Kagyu lineage, with translation by Jampa Tharchin.
About Transmission
For those who have not practiced the Amitabha or Phowa, a transmission of the texts will a part of the retreat, either as a separate oral transmission ceremony or by reciting together. It is important to note that Phowa practice is deeply connected to Amitabha practice. Please refer to Rinpoche’s writing: Seeds of Liberation: The Four Causes for Rebirth in Sukhavati, July 2024 (in Tibetan, Chinese, and English). Also refer to our main (western) Amitabha text: The Recitation for Accomplishment of Sukhavati from the Sky Dharma Mind Terma.
About the Green Tara Empowerment
This is the first time in more than 15 years that Rinpoche will offer an empowerment. Green Tara is the feminine embodiment of enlightened activity, she is known as the swift liberator, a compassionate and loving protector in times of distress and great danger. Rinpoche received his Green Tara empowerment first from Lama Gephel, then from Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche. This venerable lineage is now being extended to Rinpoche’s students. Students who receive the empowerment will have some commitments to keep, such as regularly practicing Green Tara. The empowerment will be offered on the first day of the retreat. More information about empowerments in general can be found here and here.
Empowerment commitments:
Special Message from Rinpoche about Empowerment and Blessings
I have received a few messages from some of my students who have expressed concern regarding the upcoming empowerment at the New Year Retreat. For this teaching and transmission, my students should not worry. With this type of empowerment, there are not so many commitments, samaya, and tantric vows and connections between the Teacher and students. Thus, I want to briefly say something about this type of empowerment, called jenang (རྗེས་གནང་།).
The Green Tara empowerment which I will be giving at the retreat is referred to as jenang in Tibetan, meaning “subsequent permission”. With this empowerment, practitioners are given ‘permission’ from the Lama to practice, visualize, and chant mantras associated with the deity, etc. Though one can most definitely practice a deity without being given this empowerment, this je nang empowerment ensures that the practice is being properly rooted and practiced. At the Manjushri Dharma Center, we often practice Green Tara at the Monday Night Puja, so this will be beneficial for my students. Moreover, Green Tara is the deity associated with healing and removing obstacles, which will be good for my students. Students also can see this as the Lama’s blessing of body, speech, and mind for the Sangha and may enable you to do some practice. This is good to have for all Buddhist practitioners.
The second type of empowerment which I will not be giving is referred to as wang chen (དབང་ཆེན།), which is a full initiation into the Vajrayana path and also has many types and stages. This is much longer, much more elaborate, tantric empowerment, establishing deeper connections between the Lama and disciples and is associated with more serious vows and samaya. This type of initiation is something that I may consider for the future.
Written by Khenpo Karten Rinpoche with assistance from Karma Choeying (Tony) on 1-4-25
Retreat Schedule
8:30am: Venue will be open for you to arrive & get settled
9:00am to 10:30am
10:40am to 12:00pm
2:00pm to 3:30pm
3:40pm to 5:00pm
9:00am to 10:30am
10:40am to 12:00pm
2:00pm to 3:30pm
Prerequisites to Attend
- Refuge with Rinpoche or another teacher, and the basic foundation of Buddhist teaching and practice.
Because of the nature of this teaching and transmission, Rinpoche has requested that students who attend the retreat are those who have taken refuge, have fundamental teachings of the Buddhist path, and who are Buddhist practitioners. Thus, this will not be an open-to-the-public event.
- Commitment to all three days of the retreat
Because of the complex nature of this teaching, it is requested that students attend all three days, so the continuity of the teachings is unbroken. With understanding and compassion for any unforeseen circumstances that may cause disruption, we ask attendees to sign up with the intention to remain for all three days of the retreat.
Other Considerations
- Special Retreat Commitment: As with most Buddhist retreats, there are some commitments asked of attendees for the retreat days. Rinpoche asked only that no alcohol or drugs be consumed. He did not state that participants need to be vegetarian, etc. , though participants can follow the retreat traditions they are familiar with.
- Texts: texts will be provided during the retreat (Rinpoche and David have created a new text for this retreat that is from the Kagyu lineage)
- In-person only: the teaching will not be available via live-stream nor will it be recorded
- Food and personal comfort: there will be floor seating, floor cushions, and chairs available, but attendees should bring anything that would make them comfortable for the teaching; attendees should plan to bring their own food/beverages or purchase from nearby restaurants. There are many options for coffee/tea/food in the area around Wave Street studios.
- Flowers for the altar: participants may bring flowers for the alter if they wish, but this is not to be considered a burden or requirement.
Donations & Registration
- Sliding scale: Participants can make the suggested donation of $180.00 through the EventBrite registration, but if you cannot donate at this time, please do not feel any shame or hesitancy to attend. A minimum of $1.00 is required by the EventBrite system to complete the registration. All donations are tax deductible.
- Additional Donations to Help Fund Others: When you register with EventBrite, you will have the opportunity to donate additional funds on behalf of those who cannot afford to give at this time. Please specify your wishes in the registration.
- Dana: On the last day of the retreat, it is customary to offer Dana (a monetary gift of respect) for Khenpo Karten Rinpoche and for translator Jampa Tharchin (David Molk). Please bring cash and please put it in an envelope. For Khenpo Karten Rinpoche, we will also offer katas, a white ceremonial scarf–we will have katas and envelopes available at the retreat.
- Other ways to donate: Participants can donate via PayPal, Venmo, by check or cash if preferred. Please visit the Manjushri Dharma Center donation page for details, or contact: [email protected] (please be patient as this is volunteer staffed)
- Other ways to register: Participants who cannot complete the EventBrite registration are asked to email [email protected] (please be patient as this is volunteer staffed)
Retreat Location & Parking
Wave Street Studios is located at 774 Wave Street, Monterey, CA 93940, and the main entrance is accessible from the Recreation Trail.
For more than 20 years, Wave Street Studios has created a beautiful space for the community, supporting the arts, honoring history, demonstrating sustainable building and lifestyle practices, and celebrating cultural expressions of many kinds. They have created sacred space for weddings, meditation, yoga, healing, and prayers of many traditions. Thank you Wave Street Studios for hosting our retreat once again! Want to know more? About Wave Street Studios
Free parking on Ocean View Blvd. and walk up the recreation trail. There is also a garage on Foam and Prescott.
Please contact our volunteers at [email protected]. We have no phone number to call, apologies–inquiries by email only.
The Lineage Gurus–Khenpo Karten Rinpoche’s Precious Teachers
Here are some photos and links to stories about Khenchen Karma Tseten, Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche, and Drupchen Karnor Rinpoche.
About the Venerable Khenpo Karten Rinpoche
Khenpo Karten Rinpoche is an accomplished teacher and practitioner of the Karma Kagyu Lineage and is also trained in the Nyingma Lineage of Buddhism. He was born in the beautiful mountains of the Himalayas of Tibet. At the age of twelve, he was ordained at Ja-pa monastery, where he began his formal education of reading, writing and ritual practice. At the age of fifteen having completed the basic studies, he furthered his studies in the Sutra and Tantric texts under the accomplished master Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche and Pema Tsewang Rinpoche for eight years. Subsequently Khenpo Karten Rinpoche went to the hermitage of anther accomplished teacher, Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche and completed five years of retreat under the great master. In the retreat he completed the practices of the Naropa’s six yoga, Mahamudra and many others. In recognition of his achievements, Sangye Tenzin Ringpoche bestowed upon him the title, Khenpo Karma Lekshe Tharchin in 1994.
In 1996, he left Tibet and traveled to Dharamsala, India to meet His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Upon His Holiness’ advice, he spent another two years doing retreat. H.H Dalai Lama also recognizing his achievement, bestowed upon him the title Khenpo Rinpoche. After his retreat, Khenpo Karten Rinpoche was requested by H.E Tai Situ Rinpoche to go to the monastery of Venerable Tsoknyi Rinpoche, to teach the young monks there.
Khenpo Karten arrived in the United States in 2008, and taught in the Monterey Bay area for the first time in September of that year. After meeting a group of prospective students and seeing the hills of Big Sur which remind him of Tibet, he returned in 2009 to make the Monterey Bay his permanent home. Since then, Rinpoche has established the Manjushri Dharma Center (MDC) in Pacific Grove, California, which has become his main teaching location and his home residence. With unflinching faith in the precious Buddha Dharma, Khenpo Karten Rinpoche, now a U.S. citizen, bestows sacred teachings to thousands of people all over the world, with weekly teachings and events.
About David Molk aka Jampa Tharchin, esteemed Translator, Interpreter, and Author
David Molk studied Tibetan language at Venerable Geshe Rabten’s Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies in Mont-Pèlerin, Switzerland. Since 1987 he has interpreted and translated for many Tibetan lamas. David will be joining us in-person.
Learn more about David’s translated books: David Molk (
Image used in this announcement: Amitabha in Sukhavati Paradise.