Recent Posts by Khenpo Karten Rinpoche and the MDC Volunteers

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Four Seals of Buddha’s Teaching

June 17th, 2024|

The essence of Buddha's teaching is summarized in the Four Seals: First, all Compounded Things are Impermanent. Second, All Contaiminated Things are Suffering. Third, All Phenomena Are Empty and Selfless. Fourth, Nirvana, Passing Beyond Sorrow,

A Brief Explanation of the Amitabha Practice

June 11th, 2024|

This is an explanation of the motivation, visualization, and dedication that is a part of the Amitabha chanted prayer practice, written by Khenpo Karten Rinpoche.    

Dispelling Darkness

June 10th, 2024|

If we meditate on emptiness gradually, it is not difficult to abandon the delusions.  That is because ignorance has no valid perceptions to support it. The nature of ignorance is that it is the root

The Wheel of Life

May 29th, 2024|

The Wheel of Life is a symbolic representation of samsara and nirvana.  It shows how, from the first link of ignorance up to the twelfth link of death, beings cycle in samsara through the twelve