Khenpo Karten Rinpoche (right) with His Holiness the Dalai Lama (upper left) and the Manjushri Dharma Center (lower right)
“As rain does not penetrate a well-thatched house, so clinging does not penetrate a well-cultivated mind.” Dharmapada, Verse 14.
Dear Sangha,
Manjushri Dharma Center was blessed in 2015 when a generous donor provided the house on Forest Avenue in Pacific Grove, California as a home for our precious Khenpo Karten Rinpoche and a home for the precious Dharma and meeting place for our sangha. It was an older roof at that time, kept in use by kind volunteer skill, and we have gotten the most use possible.
Now is the time for a new roof to replace the very old (and rapidly deteriorating) current roof.
We need your help! The sangha’s generous response to last year’s Sustaining Membership Drive has put MDC in position to contemplate such a large capital expense. We need to raise $5,000 to cover the cost, and time is of the essence. We have a bid from one of the best contractors in the County, but the current price is only guaranteed through the end of June. Material costs have climbed steeply in recent months, so it’s important that we take advantage of this opportunity now.
Generosity is at the heart of the Bodhisattva Vow and the Way that we all aspire to. Saga Dawa is a great time to make a gift! Please consider contributing even a small amount to this important project. To make a one-time gift for the New Roof Fund, you may:
Give electronically:
- Please log into PayPal directly at https://www.paypal.com/ and enter your login information. Then select “Send” and enter the following email: carmelkhenpo@gmail.com and this will reach Manjushri Dharma Center. You may put the name “Manjushri Dharma Center” in the name if it requires it. You may put a note in the payment to specify that the donation is for the “New Roof Fund”.
Give by check:
- Make check payable to “Manjushri Dharma Center,” and mail to same at 724 Forest Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Give a cash donation:
- Include your name and contact information along with a cash donation in an envelope marked “New Roof Fund,” and drop it through the mail slot at the Manjushri Dharma Center at 724 Forest Avenue in Pacific Grove.
May All Beings Benefit!
The Board of Directors for Khenpo Karten Rinpoche and Manjushri Dharma Center
Note: Your kind donation is tax deductible. MDC is a 501-C3 Non-profit religious organization. Tax ID: 45-4791-304. Your kind donation is tax deductible. Please provide your contact information to receive a donation letter at the end of the year including this gift and any others made.
“The first flower of the paramitras is the practice of giving. What you give is what you receive. Giving is the practice of love.” Thich Nhat Hahn