Our wandering in samsara happens because we have taken a mistaken path, because we have not recognized our own mind from the very start.  Ignorance and its retinue, the delusions of attachment, aversion, jealousy, pride, and so forth are what cast us into suffering without freedom.  Who casts us into suffering?  It is ignorance that casts us into suffering.  Where are we cast? Into the places of suffering of the six life forms.  When are we cast there? From beginningless time up to the present.  Who is it that is cast into suffering?  All sentient beings of the six types. What happens once we are cast there?  We are completely tormented by the three types of suffering.  Will there ever be a time that we are free?  Yes, because once we are freed from ignorance and the rest, at that time we are liberated.

Written by Khenpo Karten Rinpoche, an excerpt from his book Precious Teachings, the chapter “Purpose and Benefits of the Holy Dharma,” page 88 in the paper book, and page 95 in the online pdf.