Ignorance arises due to our own mistaken perceptions.  Therefore, to remedy it we need an unmistaken mind:  pure wisdom awareness.  What is the actual unmistaken state of mind?  It is the pure awareness of transcendent wisdom insight.  By discovering and recognizing the meaning of shunyata–selflessness–and meditating upon it with this pure wisdom awareness, we can now and forever expel the demonic ignorance that grasps appearances as truly existent reality.  Ignorance, grasping at appearances as inherently existent, is like gloomy darkness, and insightful pure wisdom awareness is its exact opposite.  The root of what propels us into cyclic existence is the ignorance that grasps appearances as truly existent.  If we try to remove that ignorance just by saying prayers, counting mantras, or making prostrations, it will not be dispelled. We must meditate on its direct antidote, the view of emptiness.  If we meditate on our understanding of emptiness we can finally be liberated from samsara.

Written by Khenpo Karten Rinpoche, an excerpt from his book Precious Teachings, the chapter “Purpose and Benefits of the Holy Dharma,” page 89 in the paper book, and page 96 in the online pdf.   

Photo by Michael Habib, creative commons on Flkr, “Buddha is surrounded by Mara and his Demons”  Part of the Paperhand Puppet Interventions show “As The Crow Flies: Tales From Four Directions” — Sunday, August 13, 2006, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA.  From Part 3: “Seeing With New Eyes” (Gotama Buddha enters the forest where he encounters the “Mara, King of the Demon Hordes”. However Buddha serenely overcomes the demons.)