As we practice the path, the view is that of interdependent origination, and the conduct is that of non-violence, not harming others.  These are the real characteristics of Buddhism.  To not harm others at all is very difficult during this time of five degenerations, but, in any case, we must try our best to create as much virtue as we can, and to shun malice and disrespect towards others as much as we can.  Striving to always check our own mind and learning how to control it is the real purpose of Buddhism.  Doing prostrations and circumambulations with our body and recitations with our speech bring temporary benefit but cannot immediately act as the antidote to the delusions in our mind.

Written by Khenpo Karten Rinpoche, an excerpt from his book Precious Teachings, the chapter “Purpose and Benefits of the Holy Dharma,” page 88 in the paper book, and page 95 in the online pdf.   

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