There is a Tibetan saying, “Five fingers clenched together make a fist.” Each finger alone does not have much power. If the five fingers are curled together they have great strength. Like that, if we work together there are greater results. Because our Dharma work is altruistic, for the sake of others, it is highly worthwhile. When we do things for our own sake alone, even if we work very hard, when we have to leave this world alone at death we cannot take the slightest bit of wealth or property we have gained; better than that is to limit our desires and cultivate contentment. On the other hand, we should never be content with the amount of benefit we can bring to others, but always wish to do more.

Written by Khenpo Karten Rinpoche in his book Precious Teachings, in the chapter “My Thoughts About Some Auspicious Good News,” page 91 in the PDF version.  Book is also available as a printed copy, a $10.00 donation is requested.