On Friday, November 8th we faced a daunting task: to unload/organize/store/rodent-proof/weather proof the 30-foot yurt, which lay in piles and piles in our Uhaul. A dozen volunteers made it happen! Thank you to everyone who came from noon to 2pm to help with this task. Special thanks to Miles and Tom who got materials ahead to make the day go smoothly. We started with a blessing for the endeavor, sending good wishes for the backyard Dharma Center to come, then Miles took charge of the crew and created a brilliant and low-cost storage area for the most rodent-vulnerable components. Others dried and stacked flooring components which went into the garage. Keith very bravely organized Rinpoche’s garage to make room for the flooring, windows, and to keep the smaller items together in one place. It continues to amaze me how generous this community is with their time and good energy. Thank you everyone!
Photos and more of the story below. See the backstory here.
Part 1: The Uhaul
Tony flew in from Chicago and Rachel flew in from Seaside to Portland, where Tsering very kindly picked us up, and drove us to Hood River, OR where our UHaul awaited. She served us delicious Tibetan tea and home made bread–so gracious! The three of us joined a weekly meditation in Hood River with Thay Kozen, the Buddhist monk who leads the Mount Adams Buddhist Temple, and the dear Dharma Brother of Rinpoche who donated the yurt. We chanted the Heart Sutra together and meditated silently for 30 minutes, then we all went to lunch together. It was a wonderful way to start the journey!
- We got the UHaul! 11-5-24
- Tony is a great driver!
- Rachel, Tsering and Tony about to be eaten by a tiger
- At China Gorge in Hood River, a great Chinese restaurant
- After meditation silliness
Part 2: The Loading
We drove the UHaul to Trout Lake Washington, where the Mount Adams Buddhist Temple resides. It is part of “Trout Lake Abbey” which hosts a B&B, retreat center, and Druid sanctuary. We were put up very comfortably over night, served “emergency pizza” and woke to join the meditation the next morning. After meditation and a gracious breakfast, we were helped by a crew of about 6 folks and a forklift. I appreciate guys who know how to tie knots! I don’t have photos of this yet, but will add soon! For now, please check out the beauty of Mount Adams Buddhist Temple. As we drove out of Trout Lake along the White Salmon River, which feeds into the mighty Colombia River–I saw salmon swimming upstream. Such an incredibly beautiful and vibrant area!
- The Trout Lake valley is gorgeous
- Inside a 100 year old barn is the current gompa. A new temple is under construction.
- the Bed and Breakfast
- Many retreat huts, many Buddhas
- The Great Mount Adams
- View from the B&B
- The rock spiral for walking meditation
- Mount Adams
- 80 foot Ksitigarhba, the Bodhisattva who vowed to save all the beings in the hell realsms
Part 3: The Unloading
So many volunteers! Thank you everyone!
- The finished storage! Rain proof and rodent proof. Can also be heated to make popcorn (joke!)
- Team Captain, Miles Karma Palden
- Casey Christopherson
- Khenpo La worked hard
- Tony and Susan