Reflections and Photos from 2017 New Year Retreat
From Khenpo Karten Rinpoche Facebook Post, January 23, 2017: “Such a wonderful retreat for 2017! This was our fifth annual retreat, and we were joined by Geshe Lobsang Kanshuk, my dear friend and Dharma brother from south India. Thank you to everyone who participated. ‘May all beings minds turn towards Dharma; May that Dharma become the path; May the path be free from deception; May deception arise as innate wisdom.” (Four Dharmas of Gampopa)'”

Group photo from last day

Retreat in session

Retreat shrine

New slippers!

Lunch at Canterbury Woods gym–so kind of them! They even put prayer flags on the table for us!

Kata offerings to our teachers

Rinpoche and GesheLa at Lover’s Point

Rinpoche and GesheLa with rainbow.