Since the Chinese occupation in 1959, more than one million Tibetans have been killed. To fly a Tibetan flag, send an email abroad, or say the phrase “human rights,” is cause for imprisonment and torture. 99% of all Tibetan monasteries have been closed. The Tibetan people and their culture are being systematically attacked.  Our own teacher, Khenpo Karten Rinpoche risked his life to become a monk in Tibet before fleeing in 1996. Stand up against this repression and violence.  Lend your voice to peace, justice, and freedom:  Support Tibet!  Join us on Tuesday, March 10th, 4:00pm to 6:00pm at Windows on the Bay as we join a day of international protests known as Tibetan Uprising Day. Signs provided (or you may bring your own). We will be there rain or shine.  Please note: Protesters cannot step into the street or hand out leaflets to cars, as per a city safety mandate.  May all cultures and peoples live together in harmony and peace.

Learn more:  Free Tibet–

Questions:  831-901-3156 (Manjushri Dharma Center phone, volunteer staffed). 

“Imagine you are not allowed to whistle ‘Yankee  Doodle’  as  you  work.  You  can’t  talk  about  the  day’s  events  in  your  native  language,  nor  wear  blue  jeans  and  tennis shoes, or any other garment quintessentially American. Your children go to a new school where  they  learn  a  language  other  than  yours, and are taught to report you to the authorities  if  you  speak  English  at  home.  Forget going to church.  This is Tibet today.” quote from 2016 article in Cedar St. Times.

Learn more about the issue:

Free Tibet website
2016 PG Cedar Street Times article (bottom of p1, includes photos of Rinpoche during his trek across the Himalayas)
Video: Tibet Today