From August of 2015 through April of 2017, practitioners at the Manjushri Dharma Center studied The Jewel Ornament of Liberation: The Wish-Fulfilling Gem of the Noble Teachings, composed by the venerable Gampopa (1074-1153 C.E., shown in the thangka painting with this post). A masterwork of Tibetan Buddhism written by one of the “Five Founding Masters” of the Kaygu tradition, this text lays out a complete foundation for study and practice. Through the kindness of one of our community members who tirelessly recorded each formal session, we are fortunate to be able to offer a complete set of CDs of the 2015-2017 Thargyen Classes. There are 70 CDs in total. Another volunteer has graciously written out what each CD covers, the date it was recorded, and the page in the book it corresponds to.
CDs of The Jewel Ornament of Liberation are offered at $10 each as the suggested donation. Each CD is available with full Tibetan or reduced Tibetan (usually the first sentence of Rinpoche’s reply). You may look through the list below and select the CDs you would like, or you may order an MP3 of the whole collection (cost unknown on that, inquire if interested). Notify Susan Sheck at [email protected] about your selections and be sure to let her know if you want full Tibetan or reduced Tibetan. The CDs you pick will be available at the Dharma Center the week after your order has been placed. You can pay for them then.
Entire CD List: