Rinpoche recently shared a new version of the Green Tara sadhana, a text by Chokgyur Lingpa. Here is a rough version of this beautiful text, which we used for our Zoom session.
New Green Tara 1-6-24 for Zoom
And here are the touched up files for printing–three PDFs in total (color front and inside cover, color back, and black and white main text). All can be printed on 8.5×11 paper. We used cardstock for front and back, and 28# paper for main text (a little thicker than normal paper).
New Green Tara Front Cover Inside 1 Combined Color print REV
New Green Tara text bw for print (note: this is a very large file, can take 5 minutes to upload/download/send to printer. Be patient!)
New Green Tara Back Cover Color print